Tyr - Tyr is the best swordsman in all of Asgard.  He binds the great wolf Fenrir by offering the sacrifice of his sword hand (right hand), which Fenrir bites off.  Illustration by Nicolas R. Giacondino, copyright Norhalla.com.


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Tyr is the best swordsman in all of Asgard.  He binds the great wolf Fenrir by offering the sacrifice of his sword hand (right hand), which Fenrir bites off.

Features to include when drawing:

  • Light brown hair, trimmed shorter beard
  • Blue eyes
  • Same height as Thor
  • Caucasian skin tone
  • Sword – he’s the best swordsman in Asgard
  • Missing right hand
  • Muscular – he is strong – He is the only God who can match the strength of Thor
  • Military leader of Asgard
  • Splash color = Dark/Royal Purple
Tyr represents and personifies, and is the source of what is known as divine inspiration, perspective, and insight as it relates to bravery.