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Sleipnir is Odin's legendary horse. In mythology, he has eight legs and is the fastest and bravest horse in all realms.
Features to include when drawing:
- Horse
- He is a male
- Depicted with eight (8) legs
- His main body color is light gray/gray dapple
- He should be the size and look of a shire – big draft horse
- He should have white hair (called feathers) on his legs from a little below the knee to the ground
- Mane and tail should be gray to white
- If appropriate or requested - He should have some leather armor, but not look like a knight’s cavalry horse; an armor plate on his face, a breast plate, saddle and saddle blanket
- Saddle blanket can have fur trim, can have runic inscriptions on his armor
- He is Odin’s legendary horse
Sleipnir represents the technology of a horse team, thus the depiction of eight legs.